About you

As an organization or employer it may be that:

  • You are interested in using a professional service to provide training and support to employees,managers and teams
  • Your organization is going through a period of change and transition and you are looking to support staff through this process
  • You are aware of the working hours lost nationally through stress and mental health problems and the impact this has on organizations and want to enable staff to manage stress and the work/life balance more effectively
  • You have employees who you would like to support in returning to work
  • You are interested in a bespoke staff development programme - possibly using a range of tools including psychometrics to explore decision making, communication, relationships etc.

As an individual it may be that:

  • You are recovering from a health condition such as depression - and want to start exploring career or training options
  • You have your own ideas about what you want to do - career change, return to work or further education - but are unsure about how to achieve your goals - or what support is available
  • You have concerns about what you can do in terms of your health and the impact it may have on work or study
  • You are unclear about what you want to do - but just know you need to do something

harvesterDifficulties at work or uncertainty around employment can affect your health - so making the right vocational choices can have a positive impact on your well being. We can offer advice, guidance and support - but timing and balance are important - you are the expert on your needs and are in control of any decisions


Career, work and role are all aspects of occupation...and people definethemselves through occupation - what they do.



Everyone needs to make occupational choices at different times in their lives; this is important and deserves time and energy - the occupational choices people make defines their journey through life and shapes their sense of self.

We can offer guidance and support to help you explore options.


Change of role, change of career, new ways of coping and new ways of working...

change can be difficult and distressing - it can also be the start of something new - a change of direction.Icarus ship

We can help individuals and teams with the process of reflection; and with developing and realising their vocational futures.